Our Goodbye in a Dream

Leaving Colorado by LuvCherie


I’m standing,
Waiting for my ride to the airport,
When I see you through the crowd and shout your name.
You turn, face lit up with surprise.
I run and hug you so hard it hurts.
I loosen my grip and we hug a little longer.
We quickly say things. Things I can’t remember now.
“I have to go if I don’t want to miss my flight.”
We hug again and climb into our vans.
As I start to ride away, I yell with all my heart,
“I love you!!”
We launch out our doors to hug again.
Reluctantly, I say I have to go.
“I’m so glad I got to see you again. I love you.”
My eyes open.
I start to cry.
Why, brain? Why do this to me?
I guess I needed to say goodbye.
So fresh at first, my dream is fading.
I need to capture it before it is lost.
I start to write.
I don’t want to forget our goodbye in a dream.

I miss you Grandpa Fruit. I love you.

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Kent, WA